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We Advise Policy Makers

Vanguard Economics advises governments and development partners in programme and strategy design and implementation.

Vanguard Economics advises governments, development partners, and foundations on the design and delivery of evidence-based strategies and programmes for development. Our presence in East Africa ensures our research and recommendations are built on the back of experience and input from the stakeholders who will be the ultimate beneficiaries.

Why work with us?

  • We understand the context
  • We can mobilise rapidly
  • We have the networks
  • We can reach a large number of stakeholders rapidly
  • Our recommendations are based on experience and evidence from within the region

Ultimately, we work to grow the voice and opportunities for the population we serve with a focus on those who are most disadvantaged.

Highlights of our work in this area include:

  • Input to the Design of Rwanda’s Covid-19 Economics Recovery Fund (2020)
  • Design and Implementation of Wholegrain School Feeding Project for Rockefeller Foundation (2020)
  • Design of Rwanda’s Agricultural Private Sector Leveraging Strategy (2019)
  • Design of Trademark East Africa’s five-year Borderlands Programme for Eastern DRC (2018)
  • Design of Rwanda’s Fourth Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture (PSTA4) (2018)