Immersive observation-based research in Kigali, Rwanda | Implementing Observational Research Methods
Vanguard Economics can help you understand your market and grow your business in East Africa.
In a region where data is scarce, it is essential that policy makers and businesses have access to accurate and timely information on consumers, distribution channels, retailers, and competitors. Vanguard Economics provides primary market research services to businesses in East Africa.
Vanguard Economics research can help your business:
- Keep track of trends in the market
- Identify paths to expansion
- Remain relevant in a challenging and growing market
- Deliver effective growth campaigns
- Optimize your products and results
- Grow in challenging and dynamic markets
Our market research services include:
- Consumer focus groups
- Consumer insight surveys
- Product / Service Use Research
- Immersive observation-based research
- Buyer Persona Research
- Market Segmentation Research
- Pricing Research
- Competitive Analysis
- Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Research
- Brand Awareness Research
- Campaign research
- Size of market research
Vanguard Economics has provided market research services to global FMCG brands, regional manufacturers and food processors, global consultancy services, and investors in the services sector.
The evolution of data research has moved toward the use of quantitative metrics and research methods for identifying and evaluating the impact of events or procedures process.
While quantitative research methods can be very important for answering certain research questions, there are important reasons for adopting qualitative or mixed methodology studies to gain a better understanding of complex phenomena. Vanguard Economics explores the use of observational studies and their potential use within our research division. Observational studies can provide answers to "what" phenomena occurred, particularly when people are involved in a process, along with gaining insights into "why" the phenomena occurred.
Vanguard Economics offers Programme and strategy design and implementation Services
Vanguard Economics advises governments, development partners, and foundations on the design and delivery of evidence-based strategies and programmes for development. Our presence in East Africa ensures our research and recommendations are built on the back of experience and input from the stakeholders who will be the ultimate beneficiaries.
Programme and strategy design services in Kigali, Rwanda | Vanguard Economics
Designing a clear and compelling company strategy is only the first of many steps. To truly meet strategic targets, your plans must be understood, committed to, and implemented by your all stakeholders. Unfortunately, there is often a measurable gap between strategy design and implementation in too many organisations.
- 90% of top executives surveyed by the Economist Intelligence Unit from 500 multi-national companies with yearly revenues of at least $1 Billion cited poor strategy implementation as the number one reason for missing their targets.
- Our own organisational alignment research found that strategic understanding, buy-in, and commitment decrease 50% outside of the executive leadership team.
Closing the Gap between Programme and Strategy Design and Implementation
What about the ~10% of leaders who manage to effectively execute their strategies?
Further study shows that there are some common practices that successful leaders follow after their strategy retreats to better close the gap between strategy design and implementation.
- Ensure Strategic Clarity
- Create Organisational Health
- Build Cultural Alignment
- Maintain a Continuous Process
- Have Consistent Monitoring
In our profession, the term “advisory services” is used frequently, but there is little consensus about what it actually means. When we ask multi-service firms which advisory services they offer, the spectrum of responses is incredibly broad and often overlaps with traditional compliance services.
Vanguard Economics team of 17 advises governments, development partners, and foundations on a diverse range of areas including gender, climate and finance. Past clients have included the Development Bank of Rwanda, UNDP and World Vision.
We are a research and advisory firm based in Kigali, Rwanda. Our work is focused on maximising the impact private sector development, trade & logistics, and the commercialisation of agriculture can have on delivering transformation for markets and populations across Africa.
Our Services
Market Research
We advise decision makers in the design and implementation of policies and strategies to deliver socio-economic transformation and justice for entire populations.
Monitoring Evaluation & Learning
We design and implement innovative market driven solutions to development challenges. We also take these solutions to scale
Advise Policy Markers
We deliver data driven research and analysis to our clients with a focus on private sector challenges to growth, food systems transformation and environmental sustainability
Programmatic Work
We ensure our clients are maximising the impact of their efforts and resources while supporting adaptable and responsive delivery of projects within a local context.
Why does it matter?
Compliance services are required, and there is very little differentiation in the deliverable between practitioners. A tax return or financial statement usually looks the same no matter who prepared it. The fact that most firms include the exact same compliance description on client invoices reinforces that there is nothing special about the compliance report.
Conversely, the advice, expertise, planning and strategy that went into the process before the report was created are very differentiated.
Advisory services grow from our unique experiences and expertise, and are the secret sauce that creates value for our clients.
We know this intuitively, but many firms do a poor job of separating advisory from compliance, and communicating their advisory expertise to clients. Advisory supports specialization, which leads to higher-value services and separation from the sea of generalists. However, if we can’t articulate our advisory expertise, it’s a certainty that clients won’t be able to untangle our compliance services from higher-value advisory services.
Vanguard Economics delivers top-tier research, advisory and implementation services for Africa from within Africa.
Vanguard Economics team of 17 advises governments, development partners, and foundations on a diverse range of areas including gender, climate and finance. Past clients have included the Development Bank of Rwanda, UNDP and World Vision.
Vanguard Economics was founded on the understanding that “social change is not a project that one group of people carries out for the benefit of another”. Our vision is that that every population exercises its right and responsibility to mark out the path of its own progress as an imperative to addressing the pervasive social injustice and poverty that exists across societies. We try and embody this vision through our company policies which designed to nurture the next generation of Rwandan thinkers and leaders.
The 3 Divisions
Vanguard Economics provides expert guidance in business strategy, market analysis and regulatory compliance. Our tailored solutions are crafted to suit your specific needs and objectives. Practical guidance, real success.
- Strategy & growth
- Research
- Public policy
- Economic development
- Infrastructure development
MEL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning) is vital for progress, assessing impact, and refining strategies for better outcomes in organizations.
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)
Monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) is a crucial aspect of any project or program. It involves systematically collecting and analyzing data to assess the progress, effectiveness, and impact of a project or program. MEL helps organizations make informed decisions, improve their strategies, and demonstrate accountability to stakeholders. In this article, we will discuss the importance of MEL and the role of MEL software in streamlining the process.
MEL Framework
Before we dive into the specifics of MEL software, it is important to understand the MEL framework.
This framework shows the important parts of MEL and gives a structured way to put MEL into a project or program.
The MEL framework typically includes the following components:
- Monitoring: This involves regularly collecting and analyzing data to track progress towards achieving project or program objectives. Monitoring helps identify any issues or challenges that may arise and allows for timely adjustments to be made.
- Evaluation: Evaluation involves assessing the effectiveness and impact of a project or program. This is normally done at specific times, like halfway through or at the end, to see the results and effects of the project or program.
- Learning: Learning involves using the data collected through monitoring and evaluation to inform decision-making and improve strategies. It also involves sharing the lessons learned with stakeholders to promote learning and accountability.
MEL Tools
MEL Tools are the tools or methods used in the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) process. These tools help organizations collect, analyze, and manage data to assess the progress, effectiveness, and impact of their projects or programs. Some common MEL tools include:
- Surveys: Surveys are a widely used tool in MEL to collect data from project beneficiaries, stakeholders, or target populations. Surveys can be conducted through online platforms, phone interviews, or in-person interviews.
- Interviews: Interviews are another important tool in MEL. They involve direct conversations with individuals or groups to gather qualitative data and insights about the project or program.
- Observations: Observations involve systematically watching and recording activities, behaviors, or events related to the project or program. This tool helps in collecting objective data and understanding the context in which the project operates.
- Focus Group Discussions: Focus group discussions bring together a small group of individuals to discuss specific topics related to the project or program. This tool helps in gathering diverse perspectives and generating in-depth insights.
- Document Review: Document review involves analyzing project-related documents, such as reports, proposals, or policy documents. This tool helps in understanding the project's background, objectives, and progress.
- Case Studies: Case studies involve in-depth analysis of specific project cases or success stories. This tool helps in understanding the impact and effectiveness of the project in a particular context.
- Data Management Systems: Data management systems, including MEL software, help organizations store, manage, and analyze the collected data. These systems ensure data security, accuracy, and accessibility.
It is important for organizations to select the appropriate MEL tools based on their project objectives, target audience, and available resources. By using these tools effectively, organizations can gain valuable insights, improve decision-making, and enhance the overall impact of their projects or programs

MEL Framework
Before we dive into the specifics of MEL software, it is important to understand the MEL framework. This framework shows the important parts of MEL and gives a structured way to put MEL into a project or program. The MEL framework typically includes the following components:- Monitoring: This involves regularly collecting and analyzing data to track progress towards achieving project or program objectives. Monitoring helps identify any issues or challenges that may arise and allows for timely adjustments to be made.
- Evaluation: Evaluation involves assessing the effectiveness and impact of a project or program. This is normally done at specific times, like halfway through or at the end, to see the results and effects of the project or program.
- Learning: Learning involves using the data collected through monitoring and evaluation to inform decision-making and improve strategies. It also involves sharing the lessons learned with stakeholders to promote learning and accountability.
MEL Tools
MEL Tools are the tools or methods used in the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) process. These tools help organizations collect, analyze, and manage data to assess the progress, effectiveness, and impact of their projects or programs. Some common MEL tools include:- Surveys: Surveys are a widely used tool in MEL to collect data from project beneficiaries, stakeholders, or target populations. Surveys can be conducted through online platforms, phone interviews, or in-person interviews.
- Interviews: Interviews are another important tool in MEL. They involve direct conversations with individuals or groups to gather qualitative data and insights about the project or program.
- Observations: Observations involve systematically watching and recording activities, behaviors, or events related to the project or program. This tool helps in collecting objective data and understanding the context in which the project operates.
- Focus Group Discussions: Focus group discussions bring together a small group of individuals to discuss specific topics related to the project or program. This tool helps in gathering diverse perspectives and generating in-depth insights.
- Document Review: Document review involves analyzing project-related documents, such as reports, proposals, or policy documents. This tool helps in understanding the project's background, objectives, and progress.
- Case Studies: Case studies involve in-depth analysis of specific project cases or success stories. This tool helps in understanding the impact and effectiveness of the project in a particular context.
- Data Management Systems: Data management systems, including MEL software, help organizations store, manage, and analyze the collected data. These systems ensure data security, accuracy, and accessibility.
Vanguard Economics supports governments and development partners generate and analyze data for research, impact assessments and monitoring, evaluation, and learning.
Vanguard Economics works with governments, universities, research institutions, and development partners in the design and delivery of quantitative research. Our team supports the design of survey instruments, sampling framework, and delivery of desk and field-based data collection.
Our clients include:
- Government of Rwanda
- University of Sussex
- McKinsey and Company
- TradeMark East Africa
- Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
- International Center for Tax and Development (ICTD)
- IFC World Bank
- Enable
- Palladium
Vanguard Economics has provided market research services to global FMCG brands, regional manufacturers and food processors, global consultancy services, and investors in the services sector.
Vanguard Economics specializes in quantitative and qualitative data collection for development in East Africa.
How we can support you
- Baseline and endline surveys for evaluations and impact evaluations
- Business perception surveys including for taxpayers and investors
- Smallholder farmer surveys and focus group discussions for value chain analysis
- Impact modeling and assessments for development partners
Provides an overview of Monitoring Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) frameworks in the context of global development as well as in the private sector.
Monitoring, evaluation, and learning – also known as MEL – encompasses adaptable frameworks with processes, best practices, and tools that are strategically tailored for the uniqueness of organizations and sector-specific initiatives. Many government agencies, NGOs, and large multinational companies have in place robust and systemic MEL frameworks across their organizations and supply and values chains; others may use facets or components without calling it MEL explicitly.
At Vanguard Economics, MEL is one of our four stand-alone, yet integrative offerings that make up our continuously evolving Evidence For Transformation (E4T) service line. E4T also includes Data & Analytics, Knowledge Management, and Change Management, with each centering context-sensitive evidence and an array of systems and tools, to help organizations undertake rigorous analysis of efforts, make decisions, align outcomes to goals, improve programs, and drive change.
What is a MEL Framework?
It really depends. Organizations and aims differ, as do goals and initiatives. Therefore, MEL frameworks should be customizable to address specific needs and levels of complexity. Responsively, MEL is not a single process or system; rather, the toolkit we and other practitioners utilize is quite extensive. Predicting which tools are needed at the onset is nearly impossible, since a predetermined set of methods will not cover every case. At the core, MEL is a system or cycle with all three components, monitoring, evaluation, and learning, working in tandem and as a thread through all project and program phases – from early design through implementation and completion.
MEL helps organizations clarify intentions, collect crucial data to assess effectiveness toward impact goals, and monitor levers for change. Ideally, MEL processes should also include the realistic evaluation of capacity, internally and externally across the landscape, to respond and adapt with agility in real-time.
Here are the three components of MEL and the way they work ideally as a system.
The Importance of Monitoring
Regardless of entry point into a project or initiative, ongoing monitoring is crucial.
The first step in collaborating with organizations on MEL design and integration is helping organizations think through and answer a wide range of questions that can be revisited across the duration of an initiative to gauge progress and even readjust.
Evaluation Should be Ongoing
Once an organization establishes what it needs to monitor, the focus then shifts to designing processes for collecting data for evaluation.
Whether an organization wants to address forest sustainability, improve access to clean water, or empower more women-owned businesses, we customize and adapt a menu of evaluation techniques—from participatory to experimental designs—based on an organization’s budget, objectives, and time.
Learning is Key to Impact Longevity
We never collect data for the sake of it. We only collect data that we're going to use and center as part of a rich discussion.
This is learning.
For example, we might conduct a survey at the six-month mark for an NGO that is funding a development initiative aimed at reducing gender-based violence in Colombia.
We take the information we have collected to the team to provide a comprehensive picture. This would include foundationally:
- How the project is progressing
- Which activities have been completed and which remain unfinished, and
- Whether outcomes expected at this stage have been met, and which, if any, are still unattained.
If a project is off track, or if goals have not yet been met, we help an organization consider whether this direction is still worth pursuing, or whether adjustments need to be made.
What Are The Measurable Benefits of MEL?
It is important to note that MEL is not about compliance (though certainly MEL can help clients design, monitor, and evaluate systems to help them attain compliance goals).
Rather, monitoring and evaluating the systemic data we collect enables organizations to continuously learn—this is what ultimately leads to progress and sustainable outcomes.
Benefits of MEL Integration
- Enables stronger project design
- Leads to better outcomes and more effective programs
- Keeps programs on track to meet desired outcomes
- Ensures money and resources are spent efficiently and effectively
- Provides accurate data
- Creates opportunities for adaptive project management throughout implementation
- Gives beneficiaries and key stakeholders a voice
- Improves motivation and focus of people implementing the program
Vanguard Economics has provided market research data services to global FMCG brands, regional manufacturers and food processors, global consultancy services, and investors in the services sector.
Vanguard Economics research can help your business:
- Keep track of trends in the market
- Identify paths to expansion
- Remain relevant in a challenging and growing market
- Deliver effective growth campaigns
- Optimize your products and results
- Grow in challenging and dynamic markets
Vanguard Economics can help you understand your market and grow your business in East Africa.
In a region where data is scarce, it is essential that policy makers and businesses have access to accurate and timely information on consumers, distribution channels, retailers, and competitors. Vanguard Economics provides primary market research services to businesses in East Africa.
What is research data?
Vanguard Economics research can help your business:

What is research data?
Vanguard Economics has provided market research services to global FMCG brands, regional manufacturers and food processors, global consultancy services, and investors in the services sector.
Vanguard Economics can help you understand your market and grow your business in East Africa.
In a region where data is scarce, it is essential that policy makers and businesses have access to accurate and timely information on consumers, distribution channels, retailers, and competitors. Vanguard Economics provides primary market research services to businesses in East Africa.
Our market research services include:
- Consumer focus groups
- Consumer insight surveys
- Product / Service Use Research
- Immersive observation-based research
- Buyer Persona Research
- Market Segmentation Research
- Pricing Research
- Competitive Analysis
- Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Research
- Brand Awareness Research
- Campaign research
- Size of market research
What Is Market Research?
Market research examines consumer behavior and trends in the economy to help a business develop and fine-tune its business idea and strategy. It helps a business understand its target market by gathering and analyzing data.
Market research is the process of evaluating the viability of a new service or product through research conducted directly with potential customers. It allows a company to define its target market and get opinions and other feedback from consumers about their interest in a product or service.
Primary Market Research vs. Secondary Market Research
Market research usually consists of a combination of:
- Primary research, gathered by the company or by an outside company that it hires
- Secondary research, which draws on external sources of data
Benefits of Market Research
Market research is essential for developing brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. Since it is unlikely for a product to appeal equally to every consumer, a strong market research program can help identify the key demographics and market segments that are most likely to use a given product.